Our Fees
Competitive Conveyancing fees from a trusted expert.
Sale & Purchase Legal Fees
Up to 100k – £725.00 +VAT (£145.00) = £870.00 + Disbursements
Up to 150k – £750.00 +VAT (£150.00) = £900.00 + Disbursements
Up to 200k – £800.00 +VAT (£160.00) = £960.00 + Disbursements
Up to 300k – £825.00 +VAT (£165.00) = £990.00 + Disbursements
Up to 400k – £850.00 +VAT (£170.00) = £1020.00 + Disbursements
Up to 500k – £900.00 +VAT (£180.00) = £1080.00 + Disbursements
Up to 900k – £1000.00 +VAT (£200.00) = £1200.00 + Disbursements
Up to 1m – £1200.00+VAT (£240.00) = £1440.00 + Disbursements
Over 1m – £1500.00+VAT (£300.00) = £1800.00 + Disbursements
Additional fees
Leasehold Sale/Purchase – additional £250.00 +VAT (£50.00) = £300.00
Purchase of New Build – Additional £350.00 +VAT (£70.00) = £420.00
Stamp duty land tax submission (Purchase only) – Additional £75.00+VAT (£15.00) = £90.00
Help to Buy ISA – Additional £50.00+VAT (£10.00) =£60.00
Unregistered fee – Additional £125.00+VAT (£25.00) = £150.00
Freehold management pack – additional £100.00 + VAT (£20.00) = £120.00
Third Party Solicitor – additional £150.00 +VAT (£30.00) = £180.00
Mortgage Administration Fee – additional £75.00 +VAT (£15.00) = £90.00
Telegraphic Transfer Fee (CHAPS) – £30.00 +VAT (£6.00) = £36.00
Office Copy Entries & Title Plan – £7.00 + VAT (£1.40) = £8.40 (per title – Sale only)
Bankruptcy Search (K15) – £6.00 + VAT (£1.20)= £7.20 (per Name)
Land Registry Search (OS1) – £7.00 + VAT (£1.40) = £8.40(per Title)
ID Checks – from £6.00+VAT (£1.20) = £7.20 (per person)
Land Registry Fees:
- UP TO 80K – £20
- UP TO 100K – £40
- UP TO 200K – £100
- UP TO 500K – £150
- UP TO 1M – £295
- OVER 1M – £500
Link to GOV UK Land Registration Fees – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/hm-land-registry-registration-services-fees
Stamp Duty
Stamp duty will vary depending on the property purchase price and your circumstances, for example you are a first time buyer so the Stamp duty tax will be zero depending on property purchase price. Also if you own more than one property you will have to pay a higher rate.
Here is a link to GOV UK Stamp Duty Calculator which can help you work out how much tax you will need to pay: https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/calculate-stamp-duty-land-tax/#/intro
Up to 100k – £550.00 +VAT (£110.00) = £660.00 + Disbursements
Up to 150k – £575.00 +VAT (£115.00) = £690.00 + Disbursements
Up to 200k – £600.00 +VAT (£120.00) = £720.00 + Disbursements
Up to 300k – £625.00 +VAT (£125.00) = £750.00 + Disbursements
Up to 400k – £650.00 +VAT (£130.00) = £780.00 + Disbursements
Up to 500k – £675.00 +VAT (£135.00) = £810.00 + Disbursements
Transfer of Equity
£550.00 + VAT (£110.00)= £660.00
Fee on Assignment (if a Lease) – Fee will Vary
Land Registry Search – £7.00 (per title)
Bankruptcy search – £6.00 per name (if applicable)
Land Registration Fee – £20.00
What we do;
Your Purchase – ordering searches deemed necessary in respect of the property; carefully checking the results of the searches together with the Contract and supplemental information provided by the Seller; obtaining all documents necessary to prove title and other relevant papers such as Planning Permissions and Guarantees; preparing a report on your purchase covering all of the above matters and going through these with you; preparing the Transfer Deed and obtaining your signatures to these documents together with the Contract; exchanging Contracts with the Seller’s solicitors; preparing a completion statement in readiness for completion; completing the Report on Title; delivery of the signed Transfer Deed on the completion day; and attending to stamping and registration formalities and communicating with you on the day of completion with regard to the collection of keys.
Estimated Timescale
On the basis of the information you provide to us, the matter should be completed within 8 to 10 weeks.
This timescale does not take into account any third-party complications and non-straightforward issues arising. If something does occur that would alter the time scale for completion, we will notify you.
Please do not agree any dates for completion with any other party until you have checked with us first.
If we are unable to offer Legal Aid, our fees for private clients are;
Magistrates Court – First Hearing – (Summary only/Motoring cases)
- £200+ VAT (£240) per hour
Please note; the above is based on 1 hearing with a minimum of £350 + VAT (£420) payable on account in cleared funds before or on the day of the hearing. This includes representation by an experienced Criminal Defence Solicitor of many years experience supervised by another Solicitor of considerable experience from our team*, and follow-up advice. *For full details of the experience and qualifications of our staff, please see the Team details page on this website.
On average, a typical first hearing will take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the amount of Prosection disclosure and the time spent taking your instructions plus waiting time at court which is dependant on how many cases are listed that day. Our Client Care letter may confirm if we can agree a Fixed Fee.
We reserve the right to amend/alter/vary our costs (including disbursements) if any unusual circumstances arise in this case which will or is likely to involve us in undertaking more time on this case. We will advise you of any such circumstances that may arise. If, for any reason, your case does not proceed to completion, you will be charged for work done on a time recording basis and for expenses incurred (if any).
If it is necessary to incur additional specific case disbursements (such as instructing an expert or an interpreter/translator) we will give you prior notice of the amount and will indicate whether or not it is subject to VAT. Alternative quotes will be provided on request and these will be discussed and agreed with you beforehand.
Typical Timescales will be outlined fully in the Terms of Business and Advice letter sent to you at the beginning of your case.
Guilty plea Fixed Fee £350 + 20% VAT = £420 TOTAL + disbursements (general or specific*)
Fee includes:
– 2 hours attendance/preparation:
– considering evidence
– taking your instructions
– providing advice on likely sentence
– Attendance and representation at a single hearing at the Magistrates Court
– General disbursements such as travel expenses to Court
– The fee does not include:
– instruction of any expert witnesses
– taking statements from any witnesses
– advice and assistance in relation to a special reasons hearing
– advice or assistance in relation to any appeal
The key stages of your matter are based on the presumption that you have entered a guilty
plea and have a date for your hearing.
– Meet with your solicitor to provide instructions on what happened.
– We will consider initial disclosure, and any other evidence and provide advice.
– Arranging to take any witness statements if necessary
– We will explain the court procedure to you so you know what to expect on the day of your
hearing, and the sentencing options available to the court.
– We will conduct any further preparatory work, obtain further instructions from you if
necessary and answer any follow up queries you have.
We cannot provide a timescale of when your hearing will take place, as this depends on the
court listing for that day.
We will attend court on the day and meet with you before going before the court. We
anticipate being at court for [e.g. half a day].
We will discuss the outcome with you. If advice is required on appeal, this will carry an
additional cost.
TRIALS – HOURLY RATE OF £200 + 20% vat (£240 PER HOUR)
Please note that a minimum payment of £1,000 + 20% VAT – £1,200 TOTAL is payable in cleared funds before or on the 1st day of your Trial + disbursements (general or specific*) – this is for a 1 day Trial. If the case proceeds to a 2nd day (or more) then the hourly rate then applies (after day 1). For example, if your Trial runs in to a second day, and finishes at 1pm after a 10am start on Day 2, the total fee payable would be £1,600 + VAT – £1,920 TOTAL.
The fee will include;
– Attendance either before or at the Plea hearing, advising on Plea after perusal of initial details of the Prosecution Case, and taking your instructions thereon.
– Completing the Trial Preparation Form, travel to Court, waiting and Advocacy
– Further attendances on you and any witnesses, perusing and advising on any additional evidence served
– Dealing with any specific Applications such as; Bad Character Applications (where the Prosecution seek to reveal details of any previous bad behaviour by you) or Special Measures Applications (e.g. Witnesses being allowed to give their evidence by video or behind a screen).
– Attendance at Trial by way of a further hearing, cross-examining witnesses, presenting your case and making Legal Submissions, including travel and waiting at this hearing.
In the event of conviction, attendance at the further Sentencing hearing, providing advice in relation to likely sentence, where we cannot anticipate the likely sentence, advice on the options available to the
court in relation to sentencing, putting forward personal mitigation, and to include any travel and waiting at that hearing.
We will discuss the outcome with you. If advice is required on appeal, this may carry an additional cost.
We reserve the right to amend/alter/vary our costs (including disbursements) if any unusual circumstances arise in this case which will or is likely to involve us in undertaking more time on this case. We will advise you of any such circumstances that may arise. If, for any reason, your case does not proceed to completion, you will be charged for work done on a time recording basis and for expenses incurred (if any).
Hourly rate £200 + VAT (£240), plus 1% of Estate Value and 0.5% Value of Property to be Sold (if applicable).
Disbursements; £300 Probate Office Application Fee, £1.50 for each additional copy of Grant of Probate (subject to change)
Hourly Rate element
Our fees are calculated mainly by reference to the amount of time that is spent on your matter and such time-related charges are calculated on the basis of the number of hours.
Letters out and phone calls are charged at 10% of the hourly rate.
You will be charged the following rates (exclusive of VAT) for work conducted on your behalf by the following members of the department:
Name | Position | Hourly Rate |
- Our charges for dealing with a Standard Estate based on an estimate of approximately 5 hours being undertaken is £1000 + VAT. This estimate is not intended to be fixed and we will give you an estimates of our likely charges and expenses as the matter progresses and at least every six months but will give an indication from the information available from the outset if the case is likely to be a standard case –complexities such as the Estate consisting of multiple Assets such as Stocks,Shares,Insurance Policies and substantial Real and Personal Property AND/OR numerous Beneficiaries for example are factors that would take it out of the standard case criteria as the time estimate would likely to be in the region of 15-30 hours
In addition to charging on a time costing basis, an additional 1% of the gross value of the estate will be charged in all probate matters. If the Estate includes real property, an additional fee equivalent to 0.5% will be charged on such properties for any Conveyancing Transactions undertaken.We reserve the right to amend/alter/vary our costs (including disbursements) if any unusual circumstances arise in this case which will or is likely to involve us in undertaking more time on this case. We will advise you of any such circumstances that may arise.
- Payments to Third Parties
In addition to my charges, any expenses incurred in the conduct of this matter will also be charged. The likely expenses include the Probate Office application fees of £300 each application and £1.50 for each copy of the Grant and Recorded Delivery postal charges though certain organisations also charge admin fees, such as for Share dealings ,but we will inform you of any such additional expenses we become aware of.
Payment of our FINAL fees is normally due upon obtaining the Grant /if a Grant is applied for rather than dealing with the matter under the Small Estates Procedure but, in the usual circumstances does not need to be paid out by you but instead deducted from the Estate money that we collect on your behalf. Expenses such as payments to third parties are payable in advance-such as those outlined above. We may however from time to time, and before the administration of the Estate is completed, submit interim bills for the work done to date during the conduct of the case. This assists our cash flow and enables you to keep track of costs.
If, for any reason, this matter does not proceed to the issue of a Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration, we will charge you for work done and expenses incurred as above. It is rare, however, for this to occur, and in the usual course of events once the Grant is received,if that is the extent of the work to be undertaken under our retainer we will expect full payment of the outstanding costs at that time otherwise it would be on completion of the Administration of the case..
Please note that all Immigration Services are provided by Eastgate Chambers and details of their fees can be found on their website eastgatechambers.co.uk
If you wish to make a complaint about your matter, you should - 1. Contact Chris Clark who is the Client Care Director. He will then try to resolve the matter between you and the fee earner concerned. If your complaint is about Mr. Clark, please contact Kenneth Calladine. As set out in our complaints procedure (available on request) if after investigation you are not happy with the proposed resolution, you have the right to a redetermination by another Director. You may also have the right to object to our bill by applying to the court for an assessment under Part III of the Solicitors Act 1974.
- 2. If you are not satisfied with our handling of it you can ask the Legal Ombudsman of PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH to consider the complaint. Email [email protected]. Telephone 0300 555 1777. Website www.legalombudsman.org.uk. Before accepting a complaint for investigation, the Legal Ombudsman will check that you have tried to resolve your complaint with us first. If you have, then you must take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman:
Within six months of receiving our final response to your complaint
No more than one year from the date of the act or omission being
complained about; or
No more than one year from the date when you should reasonably have
known that there was cause for complaint. - 3. If you have cause to complain about our behaviour you should contact our Regulator, the SRA.
Chris Clark Solicitors are regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority. The Solicitors Regulation Authority can help if you are concerned about our behaviour. This could be for things like dishonesty, taking or losing your money or treating you unfairly because of your age, a disability or other characteristic.
Visit their website to see how you can raise your concerns with the Solicitors Regulation Authority
SRA Contact centre
The Cube
199 Wharfside Street
B1 1RN
DX 720293 BIRMINGHAM 470370 606 2555